which duo argues the most?? let’s find out!!!



  1. arguing about starting the boat (woo-oo)
  2. beaks episode
  3. fighting over louie (day of the only child)
  4. kinda… huey being annoyed w/ dewey for not communicating (don karnage)
  5. foreverglades
  6. the thing from the shorts


  1. i will cram it down your throat (atlantis)
  2. huey mad at dewey for keeping della search secret (castle mcduck)
  3. annoyed at dewey for narrating (found lamp)
  4. huey’s legs



  1. tenderfeet debacle
  2. huey your hands are clammy
  3. game night
  4. louie inc.
  5. found lamp (more huey against louie, but he fights against)


  1. “who’s dewey?!” (woo-oo)
  2. scrooge’s birthday
  3. huey keeping tenderfeet, ruining louie’s fave hoodie
  4. huey scolding louie for being lazy (killmotor hill)
  5. the trickening
  6. canardian guardian



  1. captain lost (birthday beagle)
  2. fighting abt the banana (birthday beagle)
  3. dewey mad at louie for tricking him into folding his laundry (other bin)
  4. tenderfeet debacle


  1. thanks a lot dewey (funso’s)
  2. tackles dewey after he jumps on him in the boat (birthday beagle)
  3. annoyed at dewey for narrating (found lamp)
  4. louie’s eleven

doofus drake beagle boys