important note

pretty much all of the text here (and on anything in the snippets folder) is not mine. i either took notes based on what i gathered from them or copy-pasted them verbatim from a thread or article. i didn’t think i’d ever make my garden public, so i didn’t note down sources, but am marking this post with the #📌cbtt tag so i know to try and hunt all my sources down. apologies for the Poor Netiquette…

  • It might be helpful to think about role models, I think role models are underrated. Not to copy everything about them. But like - who seems to you like they’re living (or lived) a fulfilling life? Fictional characters count too.
  • What would you do, if no one on the outside world knew you did it? What would you do because it just makes you feel good inside?
  • The whole thing can be inverted too - what kind of person do you really not want to be like? Why? It may be helpful to at least first figure out ways to avoid that.
  • And then I think id recommend working forwards, with the end in mind. So - write out over the next 6 months what your daily routine would look like, given your 10-20+ year goals. What does your life look like in terms of the people in it? What about your physical health? How are you earning money? Are you traveling a lot? Do you have a wife or kids? What about pets?
    • Then zoom out. 5 years from now, same exercise. Then 10 years. Where are you? Write it out in a lot of detail. When you have some idea of a vision like this, then you can start working on daily or weekly habits that will get you closer to it.
  • make a pie chart of specific people I’d like to be like. what’s yours look like?
  • imagine the version of you that already has the thing you’re yearning for: how do they wake up in the morning? how do they go about making breakfast? how do they move, how do they feel in their body? can you begin to embody that version of you?