i write my notes on obsidian and publish through quartz. changes are pushed to a private github repository and they show up on this site, which is hosted on vercel.

visual style

i use two typefaces: source serif 4 for the titles and body text, and PT mono for code. both are available on google fonts. color palette is derived from that of my home site, hellomei.

site structure

📁 folders

  • dreaming: specifically yume-type stuff. i don’t know if i’ll use this, actually…?
  • fandom: fan-related. fic recs, potential future artifacts, etc.
  • language: english, korean, chinese, japanese, spanish, maybe polish one of these days
  • media: books, tv, film, comics, music, etc.
    • reviews: notes about specific titles
  • persona: useless to most besides me
  • sitely: about this site or my main, and other webdev accumulations
  • studio: art/writing stuff i want to do
  • thoughts: my thoughts :•)
    • snippets: scraps saved from all over the web, not by me – this part is the most like a commonplace book
  • unsorted: everything else

🔖 tags

see the tags page for all tagged notes.

general categories

  • housekeeping for florilegium-specific notes
  • reference for details/sorting minutiae i always forget and need to come back to (tagging systems, organization systems, stuff i want/need to buy). not very useful for people other than me
  • guides for stuff other people might be able to use… no promises though. they might still only be legible to me T__T
  • resources for useful links i’m saving
  • todos for things i want to do – can start pretty much right now!
  • ideas for things i also want to do, but require more thought, planning, or scheduling
  • curated for stuff i’ve curated, like rec lists
  • annotations for my thoughts after having read/watched/etc something, however loosely connected said thoughts are to the source media
  • journal freeform thinking, silly lists i would write in my diary, opinions
  • worming obsessed girl glasses: on! goes under 📁dreaming and 📁fandom only.
  • not-mine for everything in the 📁snippets folder. stuff i’ve collected around the web that i just want to keep with very little extra commentary.

epistemic status

  • 🌰seed – raw, basic ideas of things that could be
  • 🌱sprout – some draft/thought put into it
  • 🌿sprig – ongoing; to be tinkered with still
  • 🌷bloom – pretty much completed/in a state i’m satisfied with, though i could still return to it
  • 🪴potted – completed + shelved; not to be touched anymore unless something major occurs
  • 🍀seasonal – stuff that’s complete but needs returning to until it’s REALLY complete
  • 🥀wilt – outdated, abandoned


  • 🌟high – i’m crazy about this and want to do something about it
  • 🌤️mid – normal about it
  • 🌙low – zzzzzz ugghhhh


  • 📌cbtt – “come back to this”; stuff with concrete edits i need to make
  • notes are also given tags based on whatever topics they contain that might apply to things outside their folder.
    • for example, something in the 📁dreaming folder might be tagged #ducktales, as might something in the 📁fandom folder.
    • but if a tag seems pretty much only applicable to the notes in a folder (e.g. #vocabulary would probably only apply to notes in the 📁language folder), i won’t use it. what’s da point…
