here are some short stories that i’ve read and enjoyed. when applicable, i have a link to read them online. maybe one day i’ll self-host, so linking is less tedious…? we’ll see.
if you have any short stories to recommend, i would love to know.
- the lottery by shirley jackson
- why don’t you dance? (pdf) by raymond carver
- a rose for emily (pdf) by william faulkner
- the cask of amontillado (pdf) by edgar allan poe
- the box social (pdf) by james reaney
- hills like white elephants by ernest hemingway
- the gift of the magi by o. henry
- the lady or the tiger by frank stockton
- the last question (pdf) by isaac asimov
- magnificence by estrella alfon
- the necklace by guy de maupassant
- the scarlet ibis by james hurst
- the tell-tale heart by edgar allan poe
- zita by arturo rotor
on my “to read” list
- all summer in a day
- bartleby, the scrivener
- the birthmark
- bulk food by peter watts
- the carnival
- cat and the coffee drinkers
- the celebrated jumping frog of calavaras county
- the city
- desiree’s baby
- father, son, holy rabbit
- flowers for algernon
- for esme, with love and squalor
- a good man is hard to find
- half a sheet of foolscap
- harrison bergeron
- i have no mouth, and i must scream
- in the woods beneath the cherry blossoms in full bloom
- lamb to the slaughter
- the lamp at noon
- the landlady
- the laughing man
- the leader
- leningen vs the ants
- marigolds by eugenia w. collier
- the minister’s black veil
- the monkey’s paw
- the most dangerous game
- an occurrence at owl creek bridge
- an ordinary day with peanuts
- the open boat
- the pedestrian
- people like that are the only people here
- a perfect day for bananafish
- rappaccini’s daughter
- the red pony
- the rocking horse winner
- roger malvin’s burial
- the semplica girl diaries
- some of us had been threatening our friend colby
- a sound of thunder
- the star
- the tale (joseph conrad)
- thank you ma’am
- there will come soft rains
- they’re made out of meat
- things have gotten worse since we last spoke
- to build a fire
- the tower by marghanita laski
- the two bottles of relish
- the veldt
- where are you going, where have you been?
- wickedness by ron hansen
- the yellow wallpaper
- young goodman brown