inspired by lyz-code/blue-book:
The development phases are:
- Seeds: Are raw, basic ideas of projects that may once be.
- Seedlings: Are projects that don’t yet have their first stable version, but the drafts of the ADR and some code is already written.
- Growing: Projects that have a stable release and are under active development.
- Dormant: Projects whose growth has temporally stopped. I still believe they are useful and even though I don’t want to work on them at the moment, I see myself doing it in the future. - I still maintain them by answering to issues, reviewing pull requests, keeping the continuous integration pipelines alive and developing fixes to important issues.
- Dying: Projects that I know are going to be deprecated soon, and I’m looking for alternatives.
- Dead: Project no longer used.
feel like it’s easier to name development phases for tech projects
was initially going to title this “…for creative projects” but a tech project can be creative too! so really it’s me trying to find a way to label the progress/status of things like writing or art. the epistemic status list i have on my index is not satisfying/intuitive yet…