note to self
think about how you can add drawings to make ‘em fun :•)
- on making comics
- the art i cannot recover
- akagirls, old deviantart stuff
- media roundup
- or think about doing something like a quarterly update
- my cringe self…
- language learning and cringe
- stuff i’ve been doing lately and if it’s been effective or not
- the most romantic movie ever (phantom thread)
- my beef with instant messaging
- happy on my own
- OCs vs. OC/canon
- discuss how developing oc/canon vs. totally just ur ocs is different… latter is hard bc “correct” feels nebulous, too many directions, choice paralysis, so hard to settle on something tht works n u like
- “constraints” lend to more creative outcomes..
- drawing motivation / reasons i draw that are not super respectable/profound
- drawing as a friendmaking practice
- drawing stuff that is sexy
- discuss the hobby/career thing
- pictures i held back from posting