Q: Hi, Mei! Have a great day!

A: thank you anon! it was a hectic day, but a good one. i hope you have a great day as well!!

Q: a mirror shows the most accurate view of ourselves. depth, light, movement,+ play into it, and those are compromised / discarded in a photo. take the camera with a grain of salt. the moon is beautiful til you tryna capture it in the 2D surface of your huawei. then it looks kinda dogshit.

A: this was inspiring thank you… i have no idea what prompted this but honestly i probably needed to read it lol. i like the things i see with my own eyes!!

Q: you asked for a traveler’s wisdom, innkeeper. granting you that is the least i can do after the hospitality and kindness you’ve shown. *puts my strawhat back on and saddles up the mule* we’ll meet again… when that time comes, i hope to have more wisdom to offer you.

A: anon this is so funny and good. thank you so much for your wisdom. i hope we meet again… safe travels…

Q: what’s your favorite gemstone?

A: i love a rosequartz! i like how it looks on its own and i think it suits me as jewelry too. i’m also lucky my birthstone (ruby) is also cute… i honestly haven’t tried wearing it though, nor have i tried most gemstones LOL. so by default rosequartz wins!

Q: what texture do you enjoy touching? whether a preferred fabric for clothes / bed sheets / etc. or maybe a food texture?

A: i really like the feel of matte book covers!!!! me going into the bookstore to touch all the books… the minky they use on plush toys is also what i would call a cute texture. can’t think of any food ones off the top of my head… really finely shaved ice, like a bingsu, maybe?

Q: eyeball planets orbit so close to their sun, they’re tidally locked. backside of the planet always winter+night. you’d think the front, facing the sun so close, would be a fiery hellscape, but no! it’d be tropical. always summer+daylight… say, innkeeper, would you miss the night?

A: back again with the thought-provoking asks i see… nice to see you anon

and my answer is that i would! i am not naturally a beach and sunlight gal, and have been a night owl as long as i can remember. i would probably miss the daytime if it were always night though. i’m glad i live on earth and not an eyeball planet!!!

Q: Comfort the allicted. Afflict the comfortable.

A: thank you for your wisdom, anon! i agree!!

Q: feed us cupit & venus dynamic? loove to imagine our little momma’s boy being smug and loved and maybe ratting out his younger siblings for mom cred (although he gives such youngest vibes… is he?)

A: first of all anon thank you for visiting my website T__T ! secondly i wish i could draw you something right now but i don’t know what venus looks like yet, so unforchies you will get text food for now.

  • cupid is not the youngest i don’t think, but is defo one of the less mature ones LOL
    • i still don’t know how many they are… i imagine the cupids as a barbie situation, where there can be infinite cupids..
  • i mention that she scolds him but it’s probably no more than a slap on the wrist. bad at disciplining him
    • she reprimands him for not being able to deliver on some love missions (what does a love mission entail? girl i am still working that out) and he’s like “but mama it was harddddduh”. and in response she’s like “hmm okay. but try harder next time”
    • (02, who ends up having to redistribute/cover cupit’s tasks: hello?????????????????)
    • is she consistent about this across all her boys? not sure… i don’t think so! i imagine she relies harder on the older ones (01 and 02, etc). maybe she got lazy after the first few lmfao.
  • seriously venus is probably such a “boy mom”, especially with him. all her sons are pretty, but cupid’s personality just has that extra oomph… she can’t resist his flirty boyish charms
    • i imagine he goes up to her with the bare minimum to report, expecting praise, like “mommy i met my arrow quota today ^__^” (← didn’t even shoot them at the right people), and she GIVES HIM THE PRAISE
    • like “oh well done baby!!!!!! 🥰​ you’re on the right track you’re so smart and cute”
  • our cupit is #17, AKA “Q”. i like the idea that venus calls him QQ affectionately… he is very biteable
  • she pinches his cheeks a lot and coos at him and he basks in it. he’s like a spoiled little cat. many of the other cupids find it undignified and hard to look at
  • if he throws his siblings under the bus, i imagine it’s something like “02 was sooo mean to me in drills today” and venus turns to 02 pouting for him to ease up on her boy next time… never mind that 02 is also her boy
    • 02 sighs but does it begrudgingly. he wishes 17 would shape up, but he loves his mom too and can’t say no to her… one big messed up family ❤️

i hope this was enough… thank you for asking about them!!!